How to Paint Flowers in a Meadow in Oil

Skill Level : 2 Intermediate

Medium : Oil Painting

Subject : Flowers, Landscapes

Tutor : Nolan Clark

Class Length : 2 hours 3 minutes

Avg Rating : No Ratings Yet

Silver Level or Higher Class

Class Description

There is nothing like spring time. You can smells the freshness and new life in the air. This time of the year is the most inspiring of all for artists. Especially when you happen to drive past a meadow briming with the colours of spring.

During the class you will learn :
1) How to paint rolling meadows
2) Show flowers receding into in the distance
3) How to paint close up flowers in an impressionistic style by using the knife
4) and lots more...

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Class Tutorial

Types of knives

range of painting knives used the the painting

In this lesson we use several types of knives and they are briefly explained the uses for each of them.


painting the sky

On your canvas, sketch in the outlines for sky, hills, and meadows. Mix a basic sky colour.  We also show the uses for loading the knife and applying the paint to create the sky.   Add a second band of sky colour, then blend the two together.

Distant hills

painting the distant hills

Mix some mountain colours, being sure to include some sky colour for atmospheric perspective.  Then paint in the mountains with your knife.  Create a highlight colour and add it in.


painting the grass

Begin by laying down yellow paint for the highlighted areas.    Mix colours and create a silhouette of background trees.  Add highlights.  Note the interesting method Nolan uses to create the tree shadows on the ground.

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Distant flowers

painting the distant flowers

Mix bright colours for your flowers, but include some sky colour for those that are most distant.  Note that distant flowers form a mass of colour, rather than individual flowers.  Use the technique Nolan uses to patch on the background flowers, keeping them contoured with the landscape.  Add brighter color as you move to the foreground.  Create  interest with a few odd patches of another colour.

Foreground flowers colours

colors used for the flowers in the foreground

Mix the paints for the individual flowers, plus their highlight and shadow tones.  Prepare paints for five tones.


painting the leaves of the flowers

Use the knife to draw out the stem.  Then thin out some stem-tone paint and cover over the line.  Add some small leaves at the base of the flower and larger ones along the stem.  Give the leaves some highlights and textures.

Final overview

final painting of the flowers in a meadow

Add any last touch ups.


About Nolan Clark

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