How to Paint a Nose in Oil

Skill Level : 2 Intermediate, 3 Advanced

Medium : Oil Painting

Subject : Portraits

Tutor : Nolan Clark

Class Length : 2 hours 10 minutes

Avg Rating : No Ratings Yet

Silver Level or Higher Class

Class Description

In this portrait painting class we will paint the nose.

During the class you will learn :

1) How perspective affects the proportions of the face.
2) What the planes are on the face and how the light affects them
3) How to paint a realistic nose that actually looks like it is standing up off the canvas.

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Class Tutorial

Color Mixing

colors used to paint the nose

Prepare to paint by mixing the colors you will need.  Mix at least six shades of flesh to capture all the tonal values of the planes of the face.

Applying Various Tones of Paint

Refer to your reference photo and block in the colors for the various skin tones in the appropriate places on the canvas.

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Blending the Paints on the Canvas

blending the paints for the nose

Once you have the basic colors in place, begin the blending process.  Continually clean your brush and work carefully so as not to contaminate your colors.  You will be amazed how quickly the nose comes together.

Refining the Painting

Rework the areas of the brightest brights and darkest darks which might have lost their definition during the blending process. Learn how light glazes can be used to create perfect luminous color.  Note how even a small brush stroke can make a big difference and how properly placed highlights brighten the whole painting.

Suggest the Eyes

Suggest the eyes to complete the nose study. Don't worry about getting everything perfect, all we want is to suggest that the rest of the face is also there.


About Nolan Clark

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