How to Paint a Magnolia Flower in Watercolour

Skill Level : 1 Beginner

Medium : Watercolour Painting

Subject : Flowers

Tutor : Dennis Clark

Class Length : 1 hour 59 minutes

Avg Rating :

Silver Level or Higher Class

Class Description

Magnolias are very popular flowers. There are many different species - from small bushes to enormous trees. The flowers also range from small to very large. Some never open fully while other open up completely. In this class you will paint one of the large open flowers in watercolour.

In the lesson you will learn:

1.  How to paint the background
2.  How to paint the leaves
3.  How to paint the white interior of the petals
4.  How to  show the depth at the petal tips
5.  How to do the blending - hard and soft edges

Latest Reviews

Thank you Dennis for another very educational and enjoyable class. I learn at least one new skill with each class.


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