
b Class Description

There is nothing better than a brisk early morning walk in the countryside and to breathe in the cool fresh air. As the sun rises over the horizon the bright colours and the long shadows seem to compete with each other. After mid morning, the shadows are the losers.

In this lesson you will learn:

1.  How to add a morning glow to the sky
2.  How to paint a mountain in the distance
3.  How to add the contrasts for best results
4.  How to paint the sunlit grass
5.  How the simplify the foreground detail.

You Will Need

  • 16″x20″ (500mm x400mm) Canvas or similar
  • These paints: Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Red, Crimson, French Ultramarine, Cerulean Blue, Sap Green, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Raw Umber
  • Set of bristle brushes
  • 1/4″ (1cm) Soft filbert brush
  • Rigger brush
  • Fine liners

Class Tutorial


Print out the two A4 size template sheets and align them using the marked arrow pointers. Tape the two sheets securely and transfer the outlines to your canvas support. For this lesson a black carbon paper was used.

Paint the sky

Ultramarine Blue and Crimson Red plus white is used for the sky mix. For the clouds a touch of Cadmium orange is added to some white. Don’t make it too pink.

Add a slight orange glow to the sky on the horizon and paint in some cloud streaks with the pastry brush.

Mountain highlights

For the early morning glow on the mountain gently touch in some of the cloud colour as shown. Don’t overdo it.

Painting the distant trees

Add some orange to Viridian to reduce the brilliance of the green colour and with the pastry brush paint the trees behind the house. (To preserve the sharp lines of the house stick small sections of masking tape to the inside edges of the house)

Painting the house

Remove the masking tape and block the roof in with Raw Umber. Block in the walls with a lighter tone of Raw Umber.

Painting the grassy area

With varying mixtures of the green and yellow paint the area as shown. For the shadow areas add a tiny touch of red to the green mix. Sharpen up the sunshine area near the house with a little bit of white mixed into the Cadmium Yellow.

Paint the left hand trees

Add the purple/brown shadow area between the trees and suggestions of some young trees. Paint the tree trunks with Raw Umber.

Add all the smaller branches and twigs using a #2 rigger brush. Remember that all the branches and twigs get thinner towards the ends.

With some orange, add the highlights to the tree trunks. Using a small round brush, dab in the undergrowth with dark green and some lighter green for the leaves in sunlight.

With a purple mix add the shadows across the pathway as well as the foreground shadow.

Paint the fence

Block in the wooden fence with Raw Umber and then also block in the immediate foreground with Raw Umber and a bit of purple.

Foreground grass

Use a bristle fan brush for adding this grass.  Flick in the grass with the fan brush with an upward motion. Use a variation of colours for interest.

Paint the figure

Don’t paint the head too big – just a small dot. Add the highlight to the side of the figure. Add the cast shadow on the pathway.

Finishing of the painting

Randomly dot in a few flowers for interest.

Final painting

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